Close down by the surface of the earth

10 February - 2018

The last part of 2017 was such a wild ride of letting go in my life, such a couldron of change and such dark swirls of challenge. Letting go and opening to the new coming along. Whatever that might be. 

There is that hole; that deep & dirty, swirling & composting spiral. Down there where all the juices come from. I love that swirling place. Most of the times when it knocks at my door from beneath it brings me to tears, on my knees remembering the simple and the sacred. Remembering the fact of it all rotting, always. While being born. What I love about it is the authenticity it brings, the vulnerability and the fact that it is only right there, in that soft sweetest of places. Where real strength is present.

I wrote this a while back in the midst of the volcano shaking here in Bali -

Silent morning at home. Our new house is such a sanctuary of beauty and peace in these times of the ground shaking beneath us. 

My sense of what it means for daily life to truly be a ritual is tested and strengthened in the most vivid ways. 

On this silent morning the blades of green on the fields around have raindrops on them, quivering in the breeze, the tea tastes like given from heaven and the softness of the blanket around my skin is like an embrace made for holding all the tears breaking through. Vulnerability and strength are weaving their seeming opposites into one pounding heartbeat of what feels like a natural, natural simple movement of this wildly perfect moment of being human.

Now as the New Year is here, I am listening. I am letting the sprouts of my creativity come forth, one by one, slowly and gently.

Holding it all in my own embrace, with honor for my own journey in this life. In honor of the journey of each one of us all in these very challenging times which we live in.

With this blog, I invite you to travel with me, close down by the surface of the Earth where the florescence of life itself is glittering, where tenderness is the way we move and where we are reborn in the honor of our own souls, little by little with natural devotion and simple love.

The wild ride continues and I welcome you to take part… 


Morning walk ritual